Hi Everybody! Not Dr. Nick Riviera here, writing you a prescription for your daily dose of penicillin. Wait, no. That’s for something else. Today’s prescription asks you to watch this video twice per day, with food and drink, while not operating heavy machinery or being around small children and animals. Yep…a little medicine for the soul. A nibble of nostrum for the Shirtless Chris Hemsworth sized hole in that soul. I guess if you’re gonna play Thor, a mythical and meaty god of storms, then you better have some thunder punch action. The dude definitely does.
Thanks Access Hollywood! So glad you’re here, putting out content to keep us all distracted from silly things, like how to be better people, or have a species-wide future. So boring. GIVE US MORE SUPERHERO MOVIES!
Oh, and one more thing…if you ever wanted to get ripped like a god of thunder. Here ya go. Scroll down to the bottom and check out how you too can also most likely eat broccoli and plain chicken breasts for years until you have an abdomen worthy of salacious randos’ drool on the internet.
Yikes. And thanks for coming.